Celray James CHAWANDA

Hydrologist, researcher, web designer, software developer, artist, architect.

A clean Excel book for Baseflow Separation retrieved from KU Leuven Hydrology department

Lilongwe River Time Series Data

This data is retrieved by request from GRDC and it is daily from 1952 to 1981

WETSPRO manual

A short guide on how to use the WETSPRO program

Bua RIver Discharge Data

This data is derived from GRDC dataset

Slides on Baseflow Separation and POT selection

This information can also be found in the WETSPRO manual

ECQ Program

ECQ software from hydraulics lab at KU Leuven

ECQ Short Manual

Extract from the long version

ECQ Manual

Full ECQ manual from KU Leuven Hydraulics Lab

SWAT+ Toolbox Workshop Slides

Slides used in the SWAT+ Tooolbox Workshop

Upper Sabi Model

Zip format

Rainbow Manual

Manual for Installing and using the Rainbow Software

Rainbow Software

This is the 64bit version of the rainbow software. Please also download the manual

Case Study Data for SWAT+ (South America Catchment)

This is the data for use when learning SWAT+ Model Setup. An already made model is also provided for those who want to only look at calibration

A South America SWAT+ Model Setup

This is the model for use in SWAT+ Model calibration with SWAT+ Toolbox.


Test Project for testing SWAT+ Toobox v2.0

SWAT+ Toobox v 1.9 (Beta - can be updated)

This is a test version, please report bugs